Discount code: EGG10 for 10% off!!

Discount code: EGG10 for 10% off!!

You found the Easter egg! Please enjoy 10% off your next order using code: EGG10 at checkout.

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Random trivia: The very first easter egg in the gaming world was in a game called “Adventure” on the most epic Atari 2600 cartridge system attached to a TV screen via a clunky switch & cable. In Adventure, you’d slay dragons, visit castles and collect items to complete your quest. If you took one of the keys and stuck it through a wall, you’d find a glowing graphic with the author’s of the game’s name. It was exciting. Those were simple times. It was awesome not for the 8-bit graphics (your character was a square dot) but for the implied philosophy that it’s not about winning but instead about the adventure.

I like it.